
STOSO: Engineering The Green Mind

What makes people act environmentally conscious? 
How can we motivate individuals and policy makers to build a more sustainable future? 
What opportunities are out there that could help us become more aware and active in the fight against climate change? 

On the 1st of May the VIP Study association invites you to take action and collaborate with us in creating a more sustainable, and environmentally conscious world! The change starts with you!

The STOSO Congress is organizing its first English conference centered around sustainability: "Engineering the Green Mind: Initiatives towards a more sustainable world". We have an entire day planned out for you with refreshing and engaging speakers and interactive workshops in which you can challenge yourself and go beyond the scope of how you have thought about contemporary environmental issues so far! We will bring together a group of interesting and diverse individuals that engage with the topic of sustainability in completely different and unique ways, so that you can open your eyes to the endless possibilities of environmental activism and how you, yourself, can contribute to a greener world today! 

Join the event now, make sure to get a ticket and become part of our ambition to open a dialogue about the future of our planet and way of living!

-Lunch, coffee, tea, and a drink at the borrel included! -
Tickets Non-Student: €18
Tickets Non-VIP member: €12
Tickets VIP Member: €8

NB: VIP members should select the Direct Debit option at the 2nd step 'Confirm and pay'

Plan of the Day:

09.30 – 10.00 Coffee/tea reception
10.00 – 10.15 Opening Speech by George Parker
10.15 – 11.00 Lecture 1 - Dr Goda Perlavicuite
11.00 – 11.45 Workshops round 1
11.45 – 12.15 Coffee/Tea break
12.15 – 13.00 Lecture 2 - Prof Dr John Hoeks
13.00 – 13.45 Lunch
13.45 – 14.30 Workshops round 2
14.30 – 15.00 Coffee/Tea
15.00 – 16.00 Lecture 3 - Lewis Just from EcoCoin
16.00 – 16.30 Closing speech by Goerge Parker
16.30 – 18.00 Borrel

* DRESS CODE* Business casual


Dr Goda Perlaviciute (Environmental Psychologist from the University of Groningen) - "What makes people act sustainably and how can we motive them?"

Prof dr John Hoeks (Professor of Communication and Information Sciences) - "How can we look at the issue of sustainability from an Animal right's and Human right's perspective? Can we act environmentally in a negative way?"

Lewis Just (Project Manager of EcoEcoin) - "How can we use the potential of new alternative currencies and what role do they play in changing human behavior with the end goal of saving our spaceship Earth?"


During the Workshop rounds you will be able to attend 2 different workshops which you have previously selected.

Join AIESEC in their mission to talk to you about personal branding and to learn about their sustainability projects all over the world! How can you push yourself and live up to your best potential self? Where can you get the innovation and motivation that you need to distinguish yourself from others and make your greatest qualities stand out? There’s only one way to find out!

Be there, as Els Struiving from Paddepoel Energiek will share her years of expertise and hands-on sustainability projects here in Groningen to open a debate about green energy use and the discrepancy between governmental institutions and NGOs. Why do the two constantly clash and what can we, as citizen, do to change the course of climate change? 

Support Yara Marusyk, a PhD Student from the Faculty of Arts as she will open your eyes to the role of global energy governance, alternative resource options and geopolitics. How is the hot topic of renewable energy handled in the political sphere, what rules apply and how can we change them? Get to know the world players in the field of energy law and how they contribute to a greener future for us all!

Or join Rob ter Burg, a Sustainability Consultant at KNN, as he will engage you in a workshop on Cross-sectorial collaborations between companies and the challenges and implications of modern firms for sustainable growth. What does it take for modern companies to be evaluated as environmentally friendly, and what can they do to become more sustainable?