Jaarvertegenwoordiging 1



Hi! My name is Marijke, im 18 years old and am part of the first year representation! I used to live in Hengelo and have always played hockey there. This year is my first year in Groningen and besides the first year representation, im also a member of Aegir :) Feel free to contact me if you want to share something study related!


Hii, My name is Floortje and I am 18 years old and member of the first year representation. I am in my first year of Psychology in Groningen. In my free time I like to go out with my friends or play hockey. You can always contact me about something study-related!


Heeeey :) My name is Lisa, I am 18 years old and a proud member of the first year representation! This year I started studying Psychology in Groningen. During the week you can find me in the gym lifting weights, every monday as a volleybal coach on the field, in the weekends mostly as a waitress in a restaurant and almost every month at the VIP-drinks…ect! Please, if you have any questions, suggestions, maybe frustrations or just would like to have a nice chat…always feel free to reach out :)


Heey everyone! :) My name is Emma and I'm 20 years old. You'll often find me in the gym for a good workout or buried in books at the UB. Outside of that, I like to spend time with friends and family. Feel free to reach out anytime, whether it's about issues you're facing or just to share your thoughts about the study. You can always approach me or one of the other representatives.


Heyhey :) Ik am Noa, a 19 year old psychology student, who is one of the year reps. In my free time, I like to meet with friends, play games, sport and party. I am a member of GSAC, the climbing association, as well as VIP, so you can find me at the climbing wand too. If you have any feedback or anything else school-related you need to get off your chest, you can always reach out!

Jaarvertegenwoordiging 1 2023-2024

Marijke Uwland (2023) -
Floortje Alberts (2023) -
Lisa Anne Wardane Kammenga (2023) -
Emma van der Schors (2023) -
Noa Giljam (2023) -

The Dutch year representation for first year students consists of six students from the same year. The year represantation is co-responsible for the improvement of the quality of the study. They do this by keeping track of how fellow students think about the courses, the lectures, and exams. The year representatives write a report about what students think about a course. They get this information by talking to as many students as possible and keeping their opinion in mind.  furthermore deliberate with the program committee, the faculty board, the faculty council and the program director about good and improvable points of the study. 

E-mail: jv1@vipsite.nl