Board 2022-2023

Board 2022-2023
On the 20th of September 2022, we were announced as the 42nd Board of VIP and we are looking forward to making this an amazing year!
As a board, we run the association for one year! We coordinate all the committees, offer our members a lot of benefits and try to make sure that all our members have a great year.
You can find us at the Heymans faculty (Hv.0402) every Monday until Friday, from 11:00 until 15:00. If you have any questions, want to sign up as a member or want to enjoy a quick chat, always feel free to come by!
You can also call us at 050-3636323 or send an e-mail to
We are looking forward to seeing you soon!
The 42nd Board of VIP
John, Anna, Dorien, Annemieke & Levie
Board 2022-2023
John Clemens Nagler (2022) | Chairman |
Anna de Wind (2020) | Secretary & Commissioner of Diversity and Inclusion |
Dorien Lekkerkerk (2020) | Treasurer |
Annemieke Steman (2020) | Commissioner of Internal Affairs |
Levie Meijer (2020) | Commissioner of External Affairs |

Guten Tag! I am John Nagler and the Chair of the 42nd VIP board. Already 4 years ago, I moved here from Hamburg, Germany. Since then, I have completed my bachelor's in Psychology and Liberal Arts and Sciences. I have also been active in student co-governance by being the Student Assessor of UCG and being elected to the University Council. This year I am "officially" enrolled in the WOP master, but the board life takes priority, so I don't think my teachers will see me often this year.
I like playing football, reading, playing piano and cooking with friends in my free time. Besides that, my biggest regret is telling people that I am good at stats.
As Chair, my main task is to keep a general overview of what everybody is working on and see what still has to be done. I also chair meetings, make the weekly agenda, and keep in touch with other study associations.
I am beyond excited to work for the association this year and can't wait to meet all of you!
Hi everyone!
My name is Anna de Wind and I am really excited to fulfill the function of Secretary and Commissioner of Diversity & Inclusion within the 42nd board of VIP. I am 20 years old, originally born in Amsterdam, but grew up in Sneek most part of my life. I immediately moved to Groningen when I started my studies, so I have been living in this beautiful city for over 2 years now. I am in my third year of the bachelor, and I will try to follow some courses next to my board year. I also work at Team050 a few hours a week. Besides all of this, I hope to find some time to spend with my family and friends, enjoying good food and exploring new places. Or you can find me riding around on my mountainbike or partying until the late hours in the city :)
Within VIP I was part of the Yearbook Committee in my first year, where I really loved expressing my creative side a bit. I immediately felt at home within the Association, and did not doubt to do a committee again. In my second year I joined the Social Committee, which was a crazy and fun year organizing amazing events. This year I am looking forward to contribute to VIP even more and try to give people the amazing experience I had myself so far.
As the Secretary and Commissioner of Diversity and Inclusion I will try my best to make everyone feel included as well as improving my chaotic side by keeping everything neat and sorted. I am also the commissioner of three committees and I will take part in the organisation of this years Galant Gala.
I am really looking forward to meeting you all at our activities or always feel free to contact me for a coffee, tea or just a chat at the Hok!


Hello! My name is Dorien Lekkerkerk and I am the treasurer of the 42nd VIP board. I am 20 years old and originally come from Dronten, Flevoland. But now I have been living in Groningen for over two years and I am really enjoying my time here! I finished my first two years of Psychology and am now focusing on my board year. I also have been active within VIP for two years. First, I did the Yearbook Committee and after that I was in the Sports Committee and organized an amazing skitrip!
Being the Treasurer of the board means I keep an overview of all the money. This includes making the budget, paying bills and a lot of bookkeeping. I will also regularly check in on all the treasurers of the committees. In addition, I’m the commissioner of two committees and I work on most of the collaborations with other associations.
I am really looking forward to this year and can’t wait to have a lot of fun with all the members. Hope to see you at our Hok and activities ;)
Hi everyone! My name is Annemieke Steman and I am the Commissioner of Internal Affairs for the VIP Board of 2022-2023. This means I am very involved with all the (active) members, for example by being the commissioner of most committees and by organizing the active members activities! I also write the monthly newsletters.
I am 22 years old and I am originally from Apeldoorn, but I have been living in Groningen for more than 4 years now. This year I would start my third year of Psychology, but I put my studies on hold to do my board year at VIP. During the past two years that I have studied Psychology, I have been active within VIP in the Sports Committee for both years and got to organise some really fun activities! For example the ski trip, which is one of my favorite memories within VIP! I am really excited for this year and for all the fun activities that are going to take place! I hope to meet all of you and hopefully we will have a beer together at the VIP drinks!


Hi! My name is Levie and I am the Commissioner of External Affairs for the VIP Board of 22/23. I’m 21 years old and I come from a really (really, really) small town in Groningen, but I’ve been living in the big city for about 2 years now. Here, I like going for drinks with friends and visiting the gezellige Groningse pubs.
I became an active member within VIP when I was in my second year of Psychology, and started in the Student Exchange Committee. I had such a great time within VIP, and by being in the board I hope to give others the same experience!
As the Commissioner of External Affairs, I am responsible for the promotion and the public image of VIP. I am also in charge of acquiring money via acquisition for the association. This entails being in contact with different companies, staying close with VIP’s partners and being the Chair of the Acquisition Structure. Next to this, I am also responsible for ensuring a smooth collaboration with the faculty and overseeing the year representations.
If you want to have a talk or have any questions, feel free to contact me any time!