In-house committee

Hey, we are the In-house committee for the academic year 2024-2025! Our committee is one of the career-related committees meaning that you might be interested in the in-house day if you want to learn more about different career paths in the field of psychology. The in-house days are day trips organised by us to give you the opportunity to visit an institution or a company in which psychologists work. Destinations of past in-house days were for example the Van Mesdag Clinic in Haren and the women’s shelter Wender.
Hii my name is Petra, I’m from Slovenia and I’m in my first year of uni. You’ll often find me at concerts, in the gym, hanging out with friends or working at a restaurant:) I tend to keep myself busy but I somehow manage to organise it all and keep an overview, something I’ll also be doing this year as the chair of our lovely committee!
Hi, I am Mirja. A German first-year escaping the bad selection procedure for the psychology programs in Germany, so far successfully! I will be the secretary of the In-house committee, so I will try my best to keep everything organised ;)
What's up, I am David I come from Slovakia. Either you find me playing casual basketball or trying to cope with the pressure of my first year in uni. I will be keeping the score of all the spending as a treasury for the in-house committee. Hopefully, we will see each other at the in-house events!
Hey, I'm Magi! I’m doing promotion and it’s my job to make sure no one misses out on the exciting day trips we are planning this year! I am from Bulgaria, so naturally as a Balkan, my main hobby is going out. If there's a party, I'm either running late for it or me and my friends are the ones keeping it alive. I also like reading or just jumping between random hobbies that I hyperfixate on for about 2 weeks. :)
Hi I am Floor and I am one of the two externals of the in-house committee. As the only Dutchie of our committee I will be making the contracts and have contact with the companies. Other than that you can find me doing aclo lessons or hanging out with my friends.
Hello everyone, this is Delila and I‘m part of the function externals at the inhouse committee together with Floor. I‘m 22 years old, originally swiss but I grew up in Germany. Besides trying to keep up with uni as a first year I love to spend time with friends and family, being outside in nature, baking for me and my roomies or getting creative (and so much more!) I‘m looking forward to this year and my time in the inhouse committee, see you at the next event:)
The Inhouse Committee organizes at least two day trips to institutions or companies where psychologists work every year.
In-house Committee 2024-2025
Petra Bernik (2024) | Chair |
Mirja Knudsen (2024) | Secretary |
David Petrek (2024) | Treasurer |
Floor den Boer (2024) | External Affairs |
Delila Maria Spinas (2024) | External Affairs |
Magi Minkova (2024) | Promotion |