
The sign up for the Diesleaders has opened!


Is it your dream to be a Diesleader? During the Diesweek you can make your dream come true! The Diesweek will be from August 28 till August 30, this will cost 15 euros. Beside that it is also possible to join the introduction camp as a leader. This epic weekend will be from 1 till 3 September and costs 30 euros.


As a leader, you will show the first year students all the ins and outs of the student life in Groningen which is obviously AWESOME #Diescalation. You will take your group to the most legendary activities and parties!


The theme of this year’s Diesweek is DIESCOVERY. So do you want to discover the legendary Diesweek and introduction camp we are organizing? #YesYouWill.  Sign up by clicking on the button to the left and fill in the form! Check our Facebookevent to stay in touch! #Can’tTouchThis



DIES/IC ‘16/’17