
General Members Meeting

Dear members,

We would like to invite you to the second General Members meeting of the year! It is going to take place on Wednesday, 22nd of November at Café de Sleutel, Noorderhaven Z.z 72. The walk-in starts at 19.30 and we will start at 20.00 During this General Members Meeting, the board will give you an update on their Policy Plan. Next to this, the final budget, a change in the internal regulations, the cancellation policy and the Long-Term Vision plan will be presented. Finally, there is an opportunity to give feedback to the board. There is also a free drink included! After the General Members Meeting there is a small drinks, so don't hesitate to stick around afterwards. Please remember that it is mandatory for structures, year representations and committees that 50% is present. If you attend, please please sign up here!

We hope to see you all there!

Lots of Love,

The 43rd Board